
Soma Speak

A part-two intensive to Life In-Body on Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20th, 2014,  from 10-3 pm.

In this intensive we will explore, express and become more attuned to the symbolism and functionality of our body parts.  This intensive will lead to further integration of body, mind and self

Life Story as Metaphor

This workshop will be a full day workshop from 10-4 pm on Sunday, June 15th, 2014
In this workshop we will highlight memories that have influenced multiple parts of oneself.  We will, through creative exercises, untangle the memories that are helpful and enhance our true essential selves; and those that are intrusive and destructive in our lives.  This workshop will provide more clarity in sorting out what we carry from the past in our present lives and what we need to leave behind to truly live our lives more fully.
Call at 519-435-1237 or email me at for more information or to register for any of the workshops.
Any workshop can be adapted at a more convenient location.  I have facilitated workshops in Toronto, Vancouver, Kitchener/Waterloo, Sarnia and Haliburton.
The Listening Body is recommended as a introductory experiential workshop.

The Listening Body 

This 3 hour workshop uses somatic practices, authentic movement and creative expression through art and writing to:
  • Enhance physical, emotional, cognitive awareness.
Through movement/dance expression:
  • The body is experienced as both an objective physical process and subjective process of lived consciousness.
  • Through moment by moment awareness the mind is given a focus to let the body lead.
  • Through body awareness and movement expression, habitual patterns of perception, posture and movement interaction with one’s environment is recognized.
  • Authentic movement allows for a unique, genuine experience of the mover being fully witnessed without judgement or analysis.
  • Most importantly, in this workshop participants experience an embodied sense of vitality that leads to a more joyous, conscious life.


True To Me NEW!!!

A teen 3 day summer camp that focuses on body image and nutrition.  July 1-3 in London, Ontario and July 7-9th in Toronto, Ontario
This camp focuses on a daily theme: body image; coping strategies for overwhelming emotions ; healthy eating; mindfulness to help with difficult thoughts and feelings; self-esteem; and expressing my authentic self.
The treatment modalities used are the expressive arts and movement, psycho-education, dialetical behavioural therapy; mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy.
Please call or email to register.

Weekly Classes

Body Speak

Mondays 6:00-7:30pm
April 7-May 26th
(8 weeks)

This class is for people who enjoy moving, no formal dance experience necessary. Body Speak allows for movers to feel and sense their bodies fully while strengthening, stretching and expressing through various methods and movement practices.

Facilitated by Dorit Osher 
 $16 drop-in

Mindful Movement

Saturdays 4-6pm
April 12, 26, May 10, 24th
(Every other week)

Mindful Movement is a way of being that helps us to come back to the present moment, to slow down, and observe what is happening without judgment or reactivity. Being present to ourselves. This class will engage in a practice of mindfulness through movement. We will use the framework of mover and witness.  Music will also be included to provide a backdrop to our experience.

Faciliated by Dorit Osher
Cost: $115 for 8 weeks, $16 drop-in


Life In-Body Workshop 

June 7 and 8th, 2014

These workshops on based on embodied dance and the expressive arts.  Creation and research will be initiated by people’s own life experiences and personal and relational inquiry. We will blend dance and psychological concepts through the use of creating images, masks and writing to use for create improvisational dance. 

Each workshop with begin with a movement warm up that will focus on sensation, imagery and breath to facilitate range of motion and flexibility to set the foundation for creative movement exploration.  

 Active listening and witnessing will be incorporated that allows for full expression within an environment that is non-judgmental and non-analytic. 

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